Wednesday, October 26, 2011

17 Facts

Since I haven't posted in awhile, here's one for you...

17 facts about myself
1. I am obsessed with Peter Pan.
2. I can't decide if Coldplay or The Killers are my favorite band.
3. Every time I wash my hands, I almost always have to wash them twice.
4. My favorite number is 25.
5. I love Mexican food.
6. Love chocolate, hate vanilla.
7. I like antiques... a lot.
8. I have to make sure all my doors are locked at night, otherwise I can't sleep.
9. I am obsessed with my dog.
10. My dream trip is Africa.
11. I like re-arranging my room.
12. I like to bake treats.
13. Music helps me survive.
14. I wish I was good at singing.
15. I am a "homebody."
16. I love photography.
17. I love reading. A lot.

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