Sunday, August 26, 2012

New Beginning

Once upon a time there was a young girl who grew up in a big city filled with extravagant buildings and dazzling, neon lights. She lived a good life there but as her eighteenth birthday approached she felt like she needed to leave the only place she had ever really known. She wanted a change of pace complete with new places and faces. So shortly after her graduation she packed up her childhood room and left the big city. Leaving behind the people and memories that had shaped her into who she had become.

When she arrived to the small town she would call home for the next four years, excitement and uncertainty filled her. She took in her new surroundings that differed greatly from the desert she had once know. Deep canyons, tall mountains, and green trees encompassed her. She wondered how she would fit in in this new place. As she settled in she met new people and discovered new places just as she had hoped. Exciting adventures were had underneath the sun and the stars and old insecurities melted away from her mind.

As the summer slowly slipped away from her she looked back on how her life had changed over the course of a few months. She was surprised to see the person she had become. With a renewed confidence and love for life she faced the upcoming challenges that would soon befall her. With the sun setting on the last day of her first summer away from her old home she looked around and decided she had found her new home. She would never forget where she had come from, but now she knew she was where she was supposed to be. She knew she would face trials and tribulations, but that summer she had gained what she needed to be able to face them straight on with her head held high.


  1. Awesome writing! We are so proud of you and so glad you are happy on your new adventure! We LOVE YOU!!
